Συνέντευξη του Yπτχου (Μ) Δημήτριου Πετρίδη, 22α Σειρά Μηχανικών
Η συντήρηση των πολυάριθμων και πολυποίκιλων επιχειρησιακών Μέσων, γίνεται ολοένα και δυσκολότερη υπόθεση των Κρατών ένεκα του πολύ υψηλού κόστους. Υπάρχει λύση γι’ αυτό ? Ασφαλώς και υπάρχει !!!
Αλλαγή νοοτροπίας και υιοθέτηση της πρωτοβουλίας συμμετοχής σε υπάρχουσες δομές Συμμάχων και Εταίρων για επιμερισμό πόρων (Partnerships – Pooling and Sharing concepts)
Μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε και να διαβάσετε όλη την συνέντευξη από τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο
How nations overcame airlift challenges through multinational pooling and sharing initiatives
In this exclusive interview, Major General (Retd.) Dimitrios Petridis, Former Programme Manager of the Aviation Support Programme Office, NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) discusses the interconnected challenges facing the military airlift community.
He covers the pooling and sharing of resources among Nations which led initially to the establishment of the C-130 Partnership by the NATO Maintenance & Supply Agency, the expansion of its scope through the Fixed Wing Aircraft Partnership, the establishment of the European Air Transport Command and the Movement Coordination Centre Europe.
Major General (Retd.) answers the following questions:
- Reflecting on previous experiences, what are the biggest points of change (in mentality) within the multinational pooling and sharing initiatives?
- Responding to current economic and geopolitical context, what do you think the main mission demands are on multinational pooling and sharing initiatives?
- In consideration of these demands, do you believe there is scope for the introduction of part pooling multinational initiatives?
- Most of the current pooling and sharing initiatives seem to be NATO or EU-centric. Do you see potential for collaboration on a global scale?